Off Campus Scholarships

Notification of Scholarship Funds Received:

You are required to notify the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office of any scholarship award(s) you receive, even those awarded directly to you. The scholarship staff must include all funding with your other financial aid award(s). If necessary, we may adjust other awards.

Awards from high schools, community groups, local and national organizations should be mailed to:

California State University, Los Angeles
One Stop Financial Services – Disbursement Office
Student Services Building #2380
5151 State University Dr.
Los Angeles, CA  90032-8524

To ensure prompt application of the funds to the student’s account please provide instructions regarding unit requirements, semester, and grade point average. Most importantly and for security purposes, please provide the student's CIN#, not their social security number.

AmeriCorps Educational Awards – Fund Request Process:

  1. To request your AmeriCorps funds, go to the following website: My AmeriCorps. Enter your Username and Password to log in. Specify which semester(s) you would like to receive the funds (i.e: “Fall 2022-Spring 2023” or “Spring”).
  2. The funds will be wire-transferred to Cal State LA’s Budget Administration Office. You can view when your funds will be transferred on your AmeriCorps Portal, under the “Expense Information” section. The first half of your award will be transferred on the date of the “Enrollment Start Date”, the second half of your award will be transferred on the date of the “Enrollment Midpoint Date” (approximately 6 weeks into the semester).
  3. The Budget Administration Office will notify the Scholarship Coordinator once Cal State LA has received the funds. Then the Scholarship Staff will add the funds to your GET account.
  4. Check your GET account regularly. After the funds appear on your GET account, the funds will disburse based on the Disbursement Schedule. Please note, if you are in a Post-Baccalaureate program and have not seen your funds disburse a week after they have been posted to GET, notify the Scholarship Coordinator.

Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA Grants) Policy & Disbursement Process:

Unless otherwise noted by the donor/scholarship provider, the full amount of the BIA Grant will be applied to the semester when the funds have been sent to the university. For example, if the BIA check is sent during the Fall semester, the funds will be applied to the Fall semester.

After the BIA Grant is posted to the student’s GET account, the funds will be mailed to the student via certified mail. The Disbursement Office staff will contact the student to confirm the student’s address is correct on GET before they mail the check.

Applying for Outside Scholarships:

For assistance with searching for and applying to off-campus scholarships and fellowships, we encourage you to visit The National & International Scholarships and Fellowships Program located in King Hall D145.